Trefliks already know quite a bit about dental hygiene. They reach for their toothbrushes, use the right toothpaste and such a long floss. They even have a special rainbow-colored hourglass to time your brushing! The Trefliks’ teeth are safe – they have the care of a dentist, Mrs. Gum, and intrepid Tooth Guardians – parents who are always willing to answer a few, well, maybe a dozen questions:
What happens in our mouth at night?
How many teeth do we have?
Why is it necessary to go to the dentist?
What do you need to eat to keep your teeth healthy?
Do babies have to brush their teeth, too?
Are vibrating toothbrushes magical?
Does the mouth need to be rinsed with water?
And what about those millipedes – will they ever grow back?
Additional English classes, nature workshops, ballet or karate – we strive to make our preschoolers develop comprehensively, we support their emotional and social development.
Often, however, what is related to the body, physiology, is left in the shadows. The collection Trefliki and Good Habits, through consultation with specialists, helps take care of good habits related to the body and its functioning in the most basic sense.
Good habits are something that makes life easier not only for children, but also for parents. This is an easy way to unforced independence.
How about you, what good did you do for your body today?
Trefliks already know quite a bit about dental hygiene. They reach for their toothbrushes, use the right toothpaste and such a long floss. They even have a special rainbow-colored hourglass to time your brushing! The Trefliks’ teeth are safe – they have the care of a dentist, Mrs. Gum, and intrepid Tooth Guardians – parents who are always willing to answer a few, well, maybe a dozen questions:
What happens in our mouth at night?
How many teeth do we have?
Why is it necessary to go to the dentist?
What do you need to eat to keep your teeth healthy?
Do babies have to brush their teeth, too?
Are vibrating toothbrushes magical?
Does the mouth need to be rinsed with water?
And what about those millipedes – will they ever grow back?
Additional English classes, nature workshops, ballet or karate – we strive to make our preschoolers develop comprehensively, we support their emotional and social development.
Often, however, what is related to the body, physiology, is left in the shadows. The collection Trefliki and Good Habits, through consultation with specialists, helps take care of good habits related to the body and its functioning in the most basic sense.
Good habits are something that makes life easier not only for children, but also for parents. This is an easy way to unforced independence.
How about you, what good did you do for your body today?
book created in cooperation with an experienced dentist and mother; hidden in the plot are simple ways to take care of daily dental and oral hygiene; body-positive; non-judgmental support in forming good habits that stay with the child for life; the book encourages visits to the dentist and helps to get used to the loss of milk teeth
Taking care of oral hygiene in the way recommended by the dentist; a positive attitude toward one’s own body; a healthy lifestyle;
“Treffles and Good Habits” is a series of consulted with specialists books for preschoolers, which helps to implement positive habits for health and well-being. Hidden in the plot and illustrations are tips on how to take care of teeth, toilet habits, nasal hygiene and much, much more in a simple saucy way! All of this is accompanied by an atmosphere of humor, understanding of the world and the child’s perspective, and an introduction with substantive guidance from specialists for parents.
hardcover book, 32 pages
The series “Treflik Family” is an animated musical aimed at children about the adventures of Treflik, Treflinka and their nice family, realized with puppet technique in the animation studio in Gdynia. The TV cartoon helps children understand the world around them.
Support in the cognitive, emotional and social development of children aged 3-5; light-hearted, humorous content, but touching on important topics; solutions for crisis moments for child and parent; understanding of the world of preschoolers; expert consultation
ISBN: 9788367168571
Number of pages: 34